PinnedJohn DavidsonMy PM Stories on MediumHere’s a collection of my PM stories on Medium, sorted by topicDec 26, 2023Dec 26, 2023
John DavidsoninUX CollectiveMaking good decisionsIn the race towards agility, we’re losing the ability to think through our big decisions. Here’s a guide to better decisions.Aug 226Aug 226
John DavidsoninBootcampMy Calendar is my Secret WeaponHow I manage my diary to ensure I am both a leader and a professionalAug 131Aug 131
John DavidsoninBootcampPost Agile CoachingSo Agile Coaching is dying — what’s it evolving into? Here are the three stepping stones to the next part of your career.Aug 32Aug 32
John DavidsoninBootcampStorytelling as a PMThere are sixteen stories you need to master as a PM. Let’s talk about them so you can master the art.Dec 19, 20238Dec 19, 20238
John DavidsoninBootcampStakeholder AlignmentNavigating the maze of stakeholders to land a decisionAug 20, 20239Aug 20, 20239
John DavidsoninBootcampRisks and ImpedimentsIf you’re worrying about impediments, you should have managed your risks better.Apr 3, 2023Apr 3, 2023
John DavidsoninBootcampWhat’s the Future for Agile Coaching?As the profession matures, it’s not about agile or coaching.Sep 24, 20226Sep 24, 20226
John DavidsoninBootcampWhat Behavioural Skills do I Need as a PM?Whether you’re managing a project, a product or a programme there are some core behavioural skills you need to learnSep 19, 20222Sep 19, 20222