My Stories on Medium

John Davidson
3 min readDec 26, 2023

Here’s a collection of my stories on Medium, sorted by topic

Bookworm in Bangalore. Wow. © 2023


As I enter my fourth decade running projects, programs and products, it’s time to give back. I find it refreshing and depressing in equal measures that most of the lessons I teach and learn have not changed in the three decades I’ve already being doing this.

Refreshing because I see new, bright entrants into the profession eager to learn, but depressing because sooner or later the same issues emerge. So this is my simple attempt to codify what I know, so that I can share it with you.

At least once per day, I refer to this, my personal store of knowledge and now you can too. Enjoy!

I’ve spent the last 25 years in the energy industry, so I write about the relationship between energy and climate here.

I spend most of my day coaching, and I write about that here.

PM Skills

Mostly, my PM skills topic covers project, program and product managers equally. I have all three in my team and the difference comes down to how they fill their backlog, not in how they execute it.

How to Become a Project Manager

Where Next for Project Managers?



John Davidson

John leads a large global practice of program managers and agile coaches, and coaches every day. His coaching world is accessible at